AirFit F10, ResMed

The ResMed AirFit™ F10 delivers the same comfort and reliability as our traditional full face masks, but in a lightweight, compact design. Comfortable, convenient, quiet and easy to wear, the AirFit F10 offers maximum benefits with minimum fuss.
  • Comfortable: the soft Spring Air™ cushion and streamlined SoftEdge™ headgear are gentle on your skin and leave fewer facial marks. The mask’s unique frame and headgear provide superior stability and performance.
  • Quiet: the quietest compact mask in the CPAP full face mask category.1.
  • Peaceful: circular diffused venting gently directs exhaled air away from you and your bed partner, creating a quiet, relaxing sleeping environment.
  • Convenient: quick-release buttons mean you no longer need to remove your mask every time you move away from your therapy machine. It’s easy to detach your mask from the tubing if you need to get up during the night or collect something from across the room.
  • Preferred: a study comparing the market-leading compact full face mask to the AirFit F10 found that most patients preferred the seal of the AirFit F10.1
  • Easy to wear: read, watch TV, practice a hobby – with the AirFit F10, you can wear glasses and enjoy an uninterrupted line of sight while wearing your mask.
  • User-friendly: the AirFit F10 has just four parts, so it’s fast and easy to reassemble and clean.