Sleep Diagnostic Systems
Diagnostic systems for the diagnosis of sleep disordered breathing (SDB).
Lab (2)
Durable, Reliable and easy to use PSG Amplifiers for the diagnosis of sleep discorded breathing. -
Embla N7000, Embla
The Embla N7000 Recording System is a result of over a decade of experience in the field of sleep medicine.
Embla S4500, Embla
This streamlined dual component system minimizes cabling and increases study reliability.
Portable (5)
Systems designed to withstand the demands of both the clinical and home testing of sleep disorder breathing (SDB). -
Nox T3s HST
Our new innovative and powerful Type III Home Sleep Testing diagnostic device.
Embletta MPR, Embla
The future of Sleep Recording from the home to the lab in a snap
Embla Titanium, Embla
Portable, Wireless-Ready 34 Channel PSG Amplifier
Embletta Gold, Embla
The Embletta Gold is the latest addition to Embla’ s Portable Diagnostic family and offers enhanced flexibility and ease of use in one compact and streamlined device.
Embletta X100, Embla
Comprehensive Portable Polysomnography
Portable Sleep Screening Devices (2)
Screening device, very easy to use for identifying sleep disordered breathing (SDB). -
ApneaLink Air, ResMed
A quick and easy sleep-screening tool designed to help you identify more patients at risk for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
SleepCare, BMC Medical
Η νέα αυτή συσκευή του οίκου BMC Medical Co προορίζεται τόσο για την ανίχνευση του συνδρόμου διαταραχών της αναπνοής κατά τον ύπνο όσο και για τον έλεγχο του βαθμού συμμόρφωσης του ασθενή με την θεραπεία CPAP.